I wrote this four and a half years ago and I came across it today on my computer and thought I should post it on this blog.
Thoughts for
the day written on 11/15/09
by Kristi Harmon
by Kristi Harmon
am thankful to be who I am. I am thankful for the wonderful heritage that I
have and all the wonderful blessings here on this earth. I am thankful for my
loving Father in Heaven and his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and
our beloved Redeemer. So many things are recorded in the scriptures, but as in
Jacob he writes about the prophets of old and he himself can only record but a
few days ago I was picturing in my mind the Saviors life and all He did and I
had the thought and feeling come over me that He most likely did so much more,
yet there are no other records besides what we have in the scriptures. We know
of His life through the prophets and apostles. We can feel of His life through
the help of the Holy Ghost. We can prayerfully study the scriptures.
have such beautiful literature, true and wonderful. We have the Old Testament,
the New Testament, the Book of Mormon, the Pearl of Great Price and the
Doctrine and Covenants. We also have the help of the Topical Guide and the
Bible Dictionary. Each month we can enjoy the Ensign, The New Era and the
Friend. Twice a year we have General Conference and can read it online on the
church website even before it comes out in the May and November Ensigns. I can
not forget to mention all the inspired literature from leaders of the church.
list can go on. There is so many ways to become more edified and our spiritual
growth can increase ever so much. I always pray before I read my scriptures.
I ask for the spirit to be with me and help me to understand and to also
remember what I read. I do not only expect to understand the scriptures with prayer
alone. I must also take the time to study what I am reading. Cross referencing
is critical to comprehend and learn.
is amazing to me how the Holy Ghost is a guide and we can have the sweet
promptings and personal revelation that we need in our own lives as we read the
scriptures and the spoken word from our prophet today and other leaders of our
church. So many times as I am reading the scriptures thoughts come to mind,
answers to things I had been praying about.
feel impressed to mention that I thank my Father in Heaven in prayer for the
desire to read my scriptures and prayer to have that desire continually. One
sweet pleasure I have is before an endowment session in the temple I choose to
get there early enough to read the scriptures before we are led to the session.
Afterwards I love to sit in the Celestial room and continue to read. It is so
great and the spirit is so strong.
love to be in the temple and I grow so much each time I am there. As a youth I
thought it was the neatest thing to do Baptisms for the Dead. That was a choice
and blessed experience. Two months before my twentieth birthday on May 11, 1996
I went through the temple for the first time. I had worked hard to be worthy. I
knew I was worthy.
balled as I went through the veil. Family and friends were there. My young
women leaders and one of my friends from my ward that I grew up with was there.
Even one of my friends from my singles ward was in attendance also. VerRona and
Erika wanted to know what was wrong. I said nothing was wrong. I felt so
wonderful and great. I was so happy. I felt like I got my first glimpse of
Heaven. I am crying now just writing about that and my memories. I have cried
many times in the temple.
know it is important to be worthy to enter Gods Holy Temple. There is so much
to learn and the Holy Ghost will help when we are worthy and ready. I love the
fact I get to do for someone that has no chance to do it on earth. They are not
here on the earth to partake of the everlasting covenants that we by proxy have
the sweet blessing to serve them and do the work for them. Then and only then
do they get to partake of those ordinances. What a great act of charity we do.
God loves His children and set the way so all His children can have the
opportunity to receive all that there is. We all can have the chance to live
with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and our loved ones. Through temple
work families are bound to each other.
are many ways to serve as member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Our callings and positions can be
such a wonderful learning and spiritual growing experiences. Some may seem hard
or we may feel inadequate. I have felt that way at times. Yet there is hope if
ever you are in doubt. If you live worthily and repent continually, pray always
and study the scriptures and do what you can then it becomes easier. Then you
are not doing it alone. We have God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy
Ghost. Those three will help and they do help in countless ways.
can be so blessed when we serve and love others. We have been counseled to pray
for those we serve and we will love them. It is true. Try it and see how great
it can be.
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